Programme 2023/2024

September 2024

5 Opening Night. Programme Web Intro ( D McLeish)
12 Stuart Bailie. Portraits.
19 NIPA Round 1 Open. Judged by Brian Maguire
26 Night in the Town (Theme - Architecture)

October 2024

3 Printing and Mounting demo
10 NIPA Round 2 Architecture. Judged by Hugh Rooney
17 Ross McKelvy - Photoshop
24 Stephen Davidson - Petrol heads to petrol stations
31 TBC

November 2024

7 Brendan Hinds My Passion for wildlife
14 Danny Gibson Macro Photography
21 In House Model Night 2 sets of lights
28 Abstract Night up to 3 images per author Members discuss images (PDI)

December 2024

5 NIPA Round 3 Open Judged by Daria Casement
12 TBC
19 Xmas Party - Everyone welcome, bring all your friends.
26 No Meeting - Merry Christmas to Everyone

January 2025

2 A Very Happy New Year To All Our Members
9 So you want to be a Judge
16 NIPA Round 4 - Flowers. Judged by Judith Kimber
23 Hosting NIPA Adjudication round 3
30 Portraiture Competition

February 2025

6 An evening with Vittorio Selvestri (Prints)
13 NIPA Round 5 Open. Judge by Ian Lyons
20 My Travel Photography - Stephen McWilliams ARPS
27 My favorite 5 Images from This Year (Members night)

March 2025

6 Print Battle in Ballynahinch
13 Tom McLoughlin Irish Landscape Competition
20 An evening with Terry Hanna - Natural History
27 An evening with Paul Killeen

April 2025

3 Board Failte Competitions
10 An evening with Colm Lenaghan Press Photography
17 TBC
24 Print Battle - Hosting CPA Big Prints. Judge Leonard Ferguson

May 2025

1 Top Print and DPI Competitions
8 Quiz Night with Quiz Master Gary Johnston ARPS
15 Annual Exhibition
22 Annual General Meeting